Thursday, July 18, 2013

Things I appreciate about Kristina part 2

6/27/13 She is my eye candy. drop dead gorgeous

Has made it a point lately to say more nice things about me in front of other people.

6/28/13 Let me have time alone in the bath tub to chill off and prevent further arguments.

6/29/13 Had me get a movie a Redbox so she could surprise me with spaghetti using Angel hair pasta, my favorite noodle.

6/30/13 Remembered at the last minute, when I completely forgot, that I had to play the organ. she rushed through traffic (i jokingly told her I'm glad she broke the law for me), dropped me off at the door, and looked for parking while I ran in. I was mad at myself for forgetting, but I'm grateful my wife was on the ball.

Complimented my organ music multiple times.

Says that she wouldn't be able to live without me.

Thought of the best idea for making genealogy interesting for kids: genealogy bingo! Using Reese pieces, gummy bears, pb m&ms, or other candy as tokens or prizes

Comes from a strong happy family. That's a big part of the reason why I wanted to marry her even when I didn't want to marry her.

7/2/13 Just before passing Beaver on our way to St. George, she volunteered to take the wheel. I admired how easily she merged. She is becoming a great freeway driver!

Called Grandma in a sweet voice to let her know we were in Ceder City.

7/6/13 Hit the golf balls at the St George driving range even though she never took classes. She did better than me at first. Made a funny joke: we could each imagine each other's faces on the golf balls and whack then to smithereens.

Has made time to let me read.

7/7/13 Apologized profusely for our arguments over money.

At the hotel, got me my favourite breakfast foods: waffles with strawberries with whip cream, oatmeal with brown sugar, orange juice, bagel with Strawberry cream cheese and biscuits and gravy.
7/9/13 Hugs me tightly and kisses me profusely before I leave for work each morning. makes me feel love and wanted.

Frequently visits me at work. Waits for me patiently outside the hallway. Sometimes scours the whole building looking for me.

Is outspoken and charming. We have received many freebees because of this quality.

7/10/13 Let me go home early from karaoke so I could sleep. She was quiet when she came home. She apologized for making noise, even though it didn't bother me. She also put an extra blanket over me to make me warm and tucked it tightly around me.

7/12/13 I took the love languages test and realized my language was Acts of Service. After looking through these two ongoing lists of this I appreciate about her, I realize she has already been speaking my love language loud and clear.

Based on what I've written, she has done:
10 Acts of Service
9 encouraging words
3 times hasyouched me physically I'm ways I appreciate
5 times spent time with me and I appreciated it.
4 times has given me a gift of some sort

And this has just been over the past month. I'm sure all of these numbers will increase dramatically if I was to look overt the whole year we've been together.

7/13/13 Watched me at the ward. 5k. She did the walking race. When I finished I ran back and walked with her. Was proud that I finished 3rd. She has no idea how much it meant for me to see her there.

7/15/13 After a nasty fight over money, she diffused the argument by saying she understands why I'm frustrated with her spending habits, that she knows I want my financial sacrifices to be appreciated, and that she was sorry for embarrassing me at the store. She has made it a point lately to validate my feelings and show compassion for how I feel. Bless her.

Tells me almost everyday she misses me, even if we're only apart for an hour.

7/16/13 Uses her when money to pay for extra snacks she wants and that are not on the grocery list.

7/17/13 Left me a sweet note thanking me for being a wonderful husband. She also reminded me to laugh more than get mad, which is good advice. The note was from a book of notes with animal pictures.

7/18/13 I had a long list of things I needed to accomplish this week and Kristina has helped me accomplish a significant portion of them.

Last night, unpacked a box from the move that still had stuff in it.

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