Tuesday, July 29, 2014

BYU professors are not general authorities

I thought about adding this to my blog post "Mormon cultural myths debunked," but I figured most people wouldn't notice this addition, so I created a separate post for it.

BYU professors are general authorities, and therefore we should believe them. Please note, the vast majority of BYU professors are not general authorities; most general authorities are not BYU professors. A handful of professors aren't even Mormon. BYU professors are teachers, plain and simple. Most are well meaning, most are members of the LDS church in good standing (which is the kind of person BYU wants working for them). Most of them are right about most things, especially within their academic specialities.

But occasionally they're wrong. Sometimes they say things that are a little off, and every once in a while they say things that are flat-out apostate. So if a BYU professor says something that you feel doesn't really jive with the teachings of the prophets, you're probably right. Take what they say with a grain of salt.

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