Law School is Unfair
I came to law school expecting a challenge. I did not fear it. In
fact, I welcomed the learning opportunity that was sure to come from being
challenged in new ways.
However, I was not expecting it to be fundamentally unfair.
Granted, my feelings may change by the time I graduate, but I
think most people will agree with me when they look at the structure of law
school. Plus, I want to open up about my own discouragements, and the wonderful realizations, I have had in the journey that is in law school.
Caveat: To any faculty reading this, know that I esteem you
highly. You have consistently impressed me with your willingness to help
students learn and succeed. It’s one of the many reasons I picked Akron Law
over other schools that I was accepted to. The stuff I complain about are the
flaws inherent in the system (law schools everywhere have always been like
this), and not about you.
I. The Socratic Method
You may have heard law students speak of the dreaded Socratic
method. It is “a teaching method heavily used in law schools today, based upon
the technique used by Socrates in ancient Greece, in which students are led to
analyze legal issues and principles through a series of hypothetical
questions... from the teacher.” Socratic method, random house webster’s pocket legal dictionary (3d ed. 2007).
A typical law school class goes like this: you’re given 20-50
pages of case law to read before each class lecture. In class, rather than
doing all the talking himself or herself, the professor enlists the aid of the
students in discussion. The professor selects a student at random (unless there
are volunteers, which rarely occurs) to discuss the cases in the reading. The
professor asks what the background of the case is, what each side argued, how
the court ruled, and why. Sometimes a professor really wants to drive a point
home, and asks multiple pointed questions about one particular thing.
The idea behind this method is that you teach yourself the most
important nuggets of legal wisdom from important cases in the area of law that
your class covers (and maybe it gets you prepared for the final, but that’s
debatable). Every student is required to participate in the Socratic method
multiple times throughout the semester.
On the one hand, I enjoy the Socratic method because of the way it
engages students in classroom discussions. I’m a bit of a nerd, so I often
volunteer to get called on, and my professors have consistently told me that I
am a good class participant (volunteering has the benefit of relieving the
other students from getting called on, so they don’t mind, either).
On the other hand, people rightfully dread the Socratic method
because of the way the professor grills you in front of the whole class, and it
can be unnerving when the professor hits you with a rapid-fire series of
questions where it’s unclear what they want. It’s doubly embarrassing if you
haven’t done the reading or didn’t fully comprehend it.
But love it or hate it, the Socratic method is a waste of time.
Most of the topics of class discussion are rarely on the exam, which means
class participation is poor exam prep (and, in turn, exams are poor preparation
for law practice, which I vent about below). The time spent studying cases is
often disproportionate to the material covered in the exam. It’s made worse
when the discussion goes down “rabbit holes” of topics that aren’t relevant to
any of the course objectives, but which the students or the professor find
Another reason I think it’s a waste of time is that class
participation, though mandatory, is such a small part of your grade that it is
practically insignificant. That’s a tad frustrating for me personally, because
I love participating in class.
But my frustrations with the Socratic method pale in comparison
with the ire I have for law school exams.
II. Exams
After the instructional period is over, and after the reading
period, students are given final exams. A typical law school exam last for three hours, covering every topic
learned over the past sixteen weeks. All of these are graded on a curve. I’m
not good with statistics, so the exact calculations involved are a bit of a
mystery to me.
But I know it involves a median and mean that’s used to create a
“bell curve.” Strictly speaking, this means it is an indicator of how you did
compared to everyone else. If you managed to get more points than everyone
else, you get an A. The median means that only a few people are allowed to get
an A. The rest are stuck with a lower grade, even if they have a solid
understanding of the material.
The absurdities of this setup are best summed up in this gem that
I stumbled across in my law school library. It is so accurate that the author
is only partially joking. In fact, he is so close to the truth that I can only
classify this quotation as “mildly hyperbolic”:
Studies have shown that the best way to learn is
to have frequent exams on small amounts of material and to receive lots of feedback
from the teacher. Consequently, law school does none of this. Law school is
supposed to be an intellectual challenge. Therefore, law professors give only
one exam, the FINAL EXAM OF ARMAGEDDON and they give absolutely no feedback
before then.
Actually, they give no feedback after then,
either, because they don’t return the exams to the students. A few students go
and look at their exam after it is graded, but this is a complete waste of
time, unless they just want to see again what they wrote and have a
combat-veteran-type flashback of the whole horrific nightmare. The professors
never write any comments on the exam. That might permit you to do better next
time, which would upset the class ranking.
Some professors are kind enough to distribute a
model answer for you to look at. You tell the professor that you can’t see any
difference whatsoever between your low-scoring exam and the model answer. He
replies, “Well, there’s your problem."
James D. Gordon III, Law School: A
Survivor’s Guide 46-47 (1994).
This is infuriating for me. Having your entire grade (or almost
all of it) depend on a single three-hour window is flawed in many ways:
- It is not necessarily an evaluation of your understanding of the material. It is not even an indicator of your intelligence. It is an indicator of whether or not you are a good test taker. This, in turn, depends on several factors:
- Your ability to match the professor’s subjective criteria of what they’re looking for and how they want it presented.
- Whether you had a good day or bad day on test day.
- The amount of class material you’ve read is no indicator of whether you will succeed on the exam.
- Class participation is no indication whatsoever of success on the exam.
- More important, exam success is not a predictor of success in the legal profession (which makes it doubly unfair that so many employers rely so heavily on GPA).
Because of the way that law school exams are set up, you can work
your tail off and still get an abominable grade (see part IV for my personal
discouragement with my GPA and class ranking).
III. GPA and Class Rankings
After the professors grade the exams, they crunch the numbers to calculate
each person’s grade. The final exam grade is basically your grade for the whole
class (which I’ve vented about already), with a little bit of leeway to bump
your grade up or down a tad depending on whether the professor was satisfied
with your class participation.
In turn, the law school faculty takes each person’s class grades
to determine their GPA, and they use GPA to calculate class rankings. Each
student may or may not be satisfied with a respectable GPA, but for most
students, class rankings are depressing because it means realizing that the
majority of your classmates got a better grade than you did (even though you
worked hard and suffered long for your grade).
I find GPA and class rankings preposterous because it means that
law school is less about education and more about competition. Granted, for
many things in life, competition is acceptable. Indeed, it may be the only way
you can succeed. For example, sports, games, etc.
But education should not be fundamentally about competition. It
should be about learning. If the only way to succeed in school is for others to
fail, your education model is severely flawed.
IV. My Personal Experience
My feelings about GPA and class ranking may be biased because I
was dissatisfied with mine during my first year. My first semester GPA was
2.97, and my ranking was in the bottom third. It was depressing to me because I
didn’t slack off at all during my first semester! I felt like my GPA and
ranking were a slap in the face to all my hard work.
I was especially puzzled because I had followed every bit of
advice that I had been given that would allegedly guarantee my success:
- I did the readings;
- I met regularly with a study group (we called ourselves the Curvebusters);
- I created an outline (a summary of all the essentials learned in class), which I updated regularly; and
- I regularly did “hypos” (practice exam questions) individually and with my group, and I got feedback on my answers from professors, faculty, and other students.
My GPA and class ranking after my first semester left me feeling
like I wasn’t an intelligent person after all, that I simply didn’t have the
aptitude for law school, and, ultimately, that I wasn’t cut out for the
practice of law. That feeling stuck with me for a long time (and I didn’t shake
it until recently).
Still, I wanted to be a good student, so I sought feedback from each of my professors. This helped a little—I
eeked my way up 3.06, and the bottom 55% after my second semester. In fact, I
got two A-’s (Property and Civil Procedure II). But it irked me when I got a
C+. I had met with the professor multiple times to get feedback on my answers
to his practice questions, and he led me to believe I had a good handle on
things. But apparently I was missing the mark so badly, that I got one of the
worst grades in the class, and my worst grade so far in law school. I wish I
would have known that before the final.
Things reached a head when I took a quiz early on during the first
semester of my second year, when I took a ten-point quiz in Constitutional Law.
No biggie, right? I was confident I would nail it because I had studied the
constitution over the summer (including helpful mnemonic devices to memorize
key clauses and amendments), I did all the readings, and I had spent a
significant amount of time prepping for the quiz...
...and I got six questions right. Sixty percent.
My initial reaction was, “What gives?!?!” (actually, it was more
vulgar than that, but I prefer to keep my blog family-friendly).
Consequently, I was thoroughly fed up with law school, and I was sick of the perpetual feelings of failure. In a way, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back (and it truly was just a straw, because the points from that quiz didn’t count). I seriously considered dropping out, going back to my old job, or even teaching English in Korea.
This is why I am grateful I discovered my calling in immigration
law (I’d like to give a shout out to Camille Gill, the legal staff, the other staff at Catholic Charities, and my fellow extern, Krishna Mahadevan; Professor Knowles and my classmates at the University of Akron Immigration & Human Rights Clinic; and my boss, immigration attorney Farhad Sethna).
I am fluent in Spanish, and for years I have had a deep interest in the Latin American community. This suits immigration law well, because of how many Hispanic immigrants the U.S. receives each year. I also enjoy learning other cultures, familiarizing myself with other languages, and helping the downtrodden. So I was naturally drawn towards:
I am fluent in Spanish, and for years I have had a deep interest in the Latin American community. This suits immigration law well, because of how many Hispanic immigrants the U.S. receives each year. I also enjoy learning other cultures, familiarizing myself with other languages, and helping the downtrodden. So I was naturally drawn towards:
- helping victims of gang violence in Central America or political oppression in Venezuela to apply for asylum;
- helping victims of the wars in the Middle East;
- helping people escape the poverty and instability of countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo;
- helping Nepalese nationals make a new life for themselves after spending generations in Bhutanese refugee camps; and
- helping immigrants of all nationalities to apply for green cards or citizenship.
When I found my calling, it finally dawned on me that there’s more
to the legal profession (and life) than GPA and class ranking. After all, I
don’t think any client has ever asked their attorney, “What were your grades in
law school?”
Which makes sense. Think about it, when was the last time you
asked your doctor what his or her medical school grades were? It just doesn’t
occur to you because it’s irrelevant. You just want a competent caretaker to
diagnose your ailments and prescribe a cure or treatment.
Likewise, when you need a lawyer, you don’t care what their grades
in law school were, or how they stacked compared to their classmates (you
probably don’t even care if they went to prestigious university). You just want
a competent attorney who can give you sound legal advice and/or win your case.
So, law school GPA and class rankings are bogus metrics that are
based on arbitrary standards. Yet law schools probably aren’t going to give
them up any time soon because they’ve been doing it that way for decades, and
it helps them justify tuition costs.
But I’d be dumbfounded if a client, languishing in ICE detention and
whose family stands to get ripped apart because of an unjust deportation order,
asks questions like, “Did you get an A in Civil Procedure? What about
Contracts? Leg Reg? Professional Responsibility? Oh, and I need to know your
GPA and class ranking, because I’m not letting you anywhere near my case if you
don’t have at least a 3.6 or a ranking above 10%.”
My experiences remind me of the ending of "The Paper
"The Paper Chase" is a movie about a first year student
at Harvard Law. In the last scene, the main character receives the letter
containing his grades. Without even opening the letter, he folds it into a
paper airplane and discards it into the ocean.
When I first saw that scene, it puzzled me. Now I get it.
So, when last semester’s grades and rankings were posted, I chose not to look at them for several days. Instead, I enjoyed the serenity of a well-deserved vacation. Incidentally, my GPA and class ranking improved more when I stopped caring about them: I now have a 3.29 cumulative GPA (which includes an A in Con Law, my best grade so far) and I’m in the top 40%.
[Update, Jan. 27, 2018: I just got a letter from the dean's office saying I made the dean's list last semester because I got a semester GPA of 3.85. How about that? Funny how much my grades improved when I stopped fretting about them.]
So, when last semester’s grades and rankings were posted, I chose not to look at them for several days. Instead, I enjoyed the serenity of a well-deserved vacation. Incidentally, my GPA and class ranking improved more when I stopped caring about them: I now have a 3.29 cumulative GPA (which includes an A in Con Law, my best grade so far) and I’m in the top 40%.
[Update, Jan. 27, 2018: I just got a letter from the dean's office saying I made the dean's list last semester because I got a semester GPA of 3.85. How about that? Funny how much my grades improved when I stopped fretting about them.]